Like all of my religious blogs this is for atheists only. If you believe in God then please don’t read this. I’m a bit drunk so here is just another completely random blog about religion.
Do you find it hilarious that African natives will do a rain dance to make it uh rain? It’s silly. That’s how I think about other religions. I mean look at Israel . They are fighting over the silliest things. Like a wall or some rocks. And you see them bowing and praying to a god that doesn’t respond or even exist. Look at it this way, imagine everyday I kneel in front of my NES and I pray to my NES to defeat my enemies. Wouldn’t that be silly?
I admit I might not be the smartest person around. But I can be wise. And there is a difference. I definitely think I’m wiser than all of these hardcore Islam people that believe in the Koran and think they will get to fuck 72 virgins in the afterlife. I love how they will get that number. On the other hand these crazy fuckers could probably do math, problem solving or whatever better than me. But I can kick their ass at Nintendo.
People say that the Universe began with the Big Bang. How did the Big Bang start off is beyond me. But saying God created the Universe leaves so many more questions unanswered. Like who created God and where is He? Occam’s razor would go with the Big Bang theory.
In fact nowhere in Genesis does it say how God created the Universe. Only Earth, the sun, moon and stars. In an Earth week. I believe people have it backwards and that we are the ones who created God. And what if there is intelligent life out there. Did our God create that planet too?
I like in Genesis where people used to live for centuries and now only live up to 120 years. It’s in the bible. I guess they couldn’t let it be 100 years since people have live well over 100 years and that would make the bible wrong. And the bible can’t be wrong. Eventually some people will live past 120 years and then these bible authors will have to make it 150 years to be safe.
Religious people don’t realize that dinosaurs lived for millions of years long before people and therefore Earth has been around way longer than 5000 years. Hey there are fossils. Then there is Adam and Eve that my mom says they must have sex with ape people to procreate.
And no, Noah’s Arc never happened. You’re either fucking stupid or insane to believe that Noah and his family captured two of every animal and brought them aboard this massive ship Noah built by himself. They would have to feed and keep all of these animals safe on the ship for days. And then he had to put two of every animal back to where they found them. And God allowed little children to drown. But He loves us.
He could easily just unleash some plague to kill of all the humans or something else instead of wiping out all of the animals. And then you’re left with Noah and his family getting it on to recreate the human race. Maybe with ape people again?
Of course people say ya but these are stories that are not supposed to be taken literally. Like a talking snake that doesn’t have the mental capacity or vocal ability to talk. My big question is well what parts are supposed to be taken literally and what parts are not. You can’t just pick and choose whatever you want.
There are so many contradictions. Like I thought we are all Gods children. But Jesus is God’s only son. God is like a dead beat dad. He never appears or talks to us. It would be so easy for him to just appear in front of a large crowd and lets us know He’s real. Imagine you have never seen your father but he let left you a note saying what to do and what not to do. And he doesn’t visit or doesn’t discipline or reward you. You might think He doesn’t exist.
Here is why I fucking hate God. Why does He allow all of this bad shit to happen that doesn’t have to happen? For example years ago I saw this burn victim on Opera. She was driving when a drunk driver hit her. She got trapped in her car and was set on fire. She was grossly and severally burned. She lost her nose, ears, and lips and was a mess.
And I’m thinking if God is all powerful than why would He allow that to happen? He could have just let her get out of the car and nothing bad would happen. There would be absolutely no need for this horrible accident to occur. And He knew ahead of time anyway. But He loves her.
But people say well He did this or did that for me. My mom actually says thank the good Lord all of the time. Like finding a close parking spot when it’s raining. But you never hear her complain that the Devil did that. I guarantee that anything people think God has done or performed a miracle could be explained in other ways or is a just a coincidence. I bet they count the times something good happened for them and not the times something bad happened for them.
In fact He creates more wars and problems in the name of Him. And each side of some conflict believes there is one God and He’s on their side. I saw this Iraqi lady on T.V. who lost her whole family from bombs that the U.S. has fired upon as they are trying liberate them. And she’s asking why God hasn’t done anything to allow this to happen. You know why? Because He doesn’t exists. By the way I have heard that the U.S. bombed an entire restaurant to get one of Saddam’s sons. Good job assholes.
And what constitutes a human being? All animals start off with so many cells that divide and multiply. At what point is there are just a bunch of cells and at what point is it a baby? Would the baby go to Heaven even though they’re weren’t around long enough for a Heaven to suit them?
You have to think outside the box. The Universe is massive and we are so very insignificant. But we like to feel special and important. I don’t know where Heaven is or if it is in some other dimension? Maybe this is the only life and maybe Hell isn’t for evil people.
I think we a just a bunch of molecules. Those molecules form a person with a brain. And the mind is created by that brain. As a result people are alive and exist until that mind is gone. Some people are happy to be alive and some people feel trapped. Not to sound very corny and cliché but if we want as a human race to progress then we have to stop fighting and squabbling in the name of religion and try to learn to get along.