I like wake boarding the net every once in a while. The problem is that I’m afraid of getting viruses. Again. I’m weary even when Norton says it’s okay. It’s scary when you enter a site that you shouldn’t have visited. And twenty pages pop up and you’re trying to close them or turn off the power. I’ve even heard of viruses that disguise themselves as Norton and say you have a dozen viruses click here to eliminate them. My question is why are hackers such douche bags? I understand the challenge of getting onto NORAD or you’re changing your grades at school. But why screw people’s home computers for nothing to gain except their sick pleasure of destroying any vital information and making them take it back at Future Shop.
So ya a few years earlier my computer crashed for non porn related reasons and we took it to Future Shop. They know no more than the average user. So they had it a couple of days and all they did was change my Jennifer Love Hewitt background and probably look at my porn stash. It’s now in the cellar and it will probably never be used again. Unless I need spare parts for my robot I have been working on. Good thing because I got a new laptop that is a lot better to play World of Warcraft on. I never liked the pad thingy though. I use a wireless optical mouse but sometimes I touch the pad and it messes up what I was doing. I love Youtube but is it possible that I could get a virus?
Anyway I was curious about how people outside of facebook come upon my site. I have over 400 views from the United Sates alone. And I have this big fan from Singapore that has viewed it over forty times. So I hope word of mouth is spreading like my Herpes. Maybe I should get an actual webpage. I’m sure the domain name PotheadGreg is still available. And who knows maybe I could some advertisements. Like 0.01 pennies a visit or a monthly rate enough to offset the costs.
So I searched some posts. My blog about Octum’s razor is the third site referral in Google for instance. And then I wrote about centaurs. I was probably high and thought it was funny at the time. So I searched centaurs and my page came up along with other disturbing images and photo shop centaurs that I’m trying to erase from my mind. Fuck that! I don’t want any fucking creepy weirdoes looking at my site. So I deleted any references to centaurs or ass ramming homos just now. Use your imagination sickos. But we all have some fetishes. Mine is those Japanese women in school uniforms with big boobs. Just like the chick in Kill Bill with the chain and ball. While I’m at it, you should check out two of my favorite funny sites, Maddox and Seanbaby.
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