Friday, 16 September 2011

Ha-ha Michael Jackson is Dead.

I like some of Michael Jackson’s music. I like Beat it and Smooth Criminal and covers of those songs. I respect the man’s music but not the man, or whatever his is.

Okay I feel bad that he never had a childhood. But lots of people have had bad childhoods and they got over with it. Grow up. He use to act like he is fucking Peter Pan and called his former home Nederland. It’s like he has midlife crisis only he has third-life crisis and wants to be a young boy forever.

Jacko was clearly insane as you can see by his debauchery of plastic surgery.  So your dad called you big nose, it doesn’t mean you should chop it off. Each time he had surgery he looks less of a man to this freak with no nose and an ever changing chins like he is fucking Potato Head.  And he totally denied having plastic surgery. People notice your shrinking nose and how your skin magically went from black to white almost instantly.

So he supposedly had vitiligo. (Editors note: Microsoft Word doesn’t know that there is a word vitiligo. I’m sick of all this underline crap). Vitiligo is white patches of skin, not the whole body in a matter of days. Vitiligo, yeah right. I think he is giving the black community the finger and wants to be white. But not caucasian white, I’m talking white white. Even Stics is darker than him. I think he also took estrogen and stuff to make his voice so high.

So Jacko did a Pepsi commercial and his hair caught on fire. Apparently he was given pain killers. And these fucked him up good. His doctor doesn’t care how much he gives because he must have made a fortune off of Jacko.

So he had his grand ranch that looks like a theme park with ferris wheels (Editors note: again my computer never knew the existence of a ferris wheel) go carts and animals. Anything to attract kids. Not entertain friends or adults I talking children So unless you’re deluding yourself, he is a total pedophile. Which in prison is worse than rape or murder. I know I said this before that you are who you are; but fuck that and fuck Jacko. I’m sure this will piss off his fans but it’s the truth. He was a pedophile.

He used to sleeps with young boys. He actually said something like it’s beautiful to share your bed with boys. He admitted it. Now just think how fucking crazy that sounds. Would you let your son sleep with Mike? If so it’s only because you’re willing to trade your boy’s innocence for some cash.

Have you ever heard other grown men sleeping in the same bed with kids? He John, the wife is away and I wanted to know if little Timmy wants to come over? Oh hi Ted, does your son want to have his friends over for a sleep over? Yes and I will be joining them. I want to share my bed with young boys and give them alcohol. Well Ted have a good one.

Honestly he is a fucking pedophile. But he was above the law. Nobody could send him to prison; the fans wouldn’t let it happen. I’m happy he went broke after all of his spending sprees and his kids can lead a normal life without him dangling them out of a fucking window.

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