Sunday, 27 May 2012

I Have Issues with Editing

I spent the past few days editing and revising all of my posts for the blogpage. That’s over 240 blogs and a lot of time. Holy shit I never realize how awful my grammar is. I had to correct so many grammatical errors. I put in commas and quotation marks so you now know what I’m talking about. So you know who is talking to whom.

I added a lot of jokes to make them even funnier. I also removed some blogs and stories that didn’t meet my high quality standards. I have narrowed it down to 193 blogs that received the Greg’s Seal of Excellents. Each blog has at least a couple of jokes.

As you might already know I’m hoping to make my very own webpage that I think I will call “drunkgreg.” I realize my blog page is on the web and available to anyone, but I hope to get even more visitors this way. I mean I think I’m funny.

As of now I Have Issues has almost 3000 hits and 1300 are from the States. This is cool because I don’t advertise or anything. Except I leave links to my Canadian friends on Face Book. I guess people come across it and spread the word mouth to mouth. That kicks ass! Tell everyone you know.

“Hey man, I just read a page called I Have Issues. This guy has problems but he’s funny to laugh at.” “Cool, I will search” “And I hear “drunkgreg” will kick ass!”

One problem is that when I Google my own page I get a question mark that means Norton doesn’t approve my page. I signed up for the advertising thing but it wasn’t approved. I wonder why? Maybe because it’s offensive. Maybe it’s because I write about drugs and alcohol. Maybe it’s because I thought it would be funny to use Corky’s face.

One thing about my own web page is that the blogs will be in put in categories similar to a sideways family tree. So if you click on movies then you see comedies, dramas, action, chick flicks, actors and gay movies. If you click on gay movies then have choices from Cold Mountain to Toys.

So I put my blog collection on a USB if anything bad would occur. I would freak out if I had to do all over again. I’m having a great time writing my page because it’s something productive to do. I like to make as many people laugh. And I wouldn’t mind making some money through advertisements.

As I said I have made 193 blogs and plan on making more. So if I made ten dollars per post, I would, hold on I need my calculator, make 1930 dollars. That’s a years worth of beer. And if I make ten cents for each visitor that’s like $300. That’s a Sony 3 right there.

However I have no clue how to make a webpage and where to start. I tried reading Webpage for Dummies but I have gotten nowhere. I mean you either know or don’t how to make one. I don’t know the costs of having a domain but I will pay up a $500. I just think it would be cool to have my own page. I would definitely have funny pictures to go along with my rants.  So if anyone wants the challenge of helping me create a kickass webpage then contact me. And if anyone wants a sneak peek at my 193 blogs then also contact me. And I probably made a lot of mistakes on this very blog too.

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