Thursday, 21 March 2013

My Top Ten Pet Peeves

10: Hackers

I’m terrified of computer viruses. I hate when you click on the wrong link and a million windows pop and you’re trying to close them or turn off the computer. Who gets a sick pleasure by fucking with people’s computers? Hey hackers, go infiltrate the McDonalds corporate office computers or something cool.

9: Downloading Music

I hate when people get the wrong song or band name. I understand people call the song Baba O Riley, Teenage Wasteland. But I don’t think Born to Be Wild is done by AC/DC. I hate songs that are way too loud or too quite. Or they don’t finish the whole song. What pisses me off is who circulates these crappy songs to begin with?

8. Women Who Have Pigtails

It’s okay for little girls to sport pigtails.  But when you’re grown up, having pigtails won’t make you look any younger. In fact guys who like pigtails come off of looking like pedophiles.

7. Superficial Chicks

I don’t like those snooty chicks that look down upon unattractive people. But they will do anything for a handsome guy. Like laughing like crazy at anything he says. And they think everyone wants them and guys are not just being friendly.

6. Spray-paint

I think spray paint is cool when it’s done right and on the right place. It’s these stupid punk kids that spray paint anything in seconds and looks just awful. They will paint on fences, the side walk and under the overpass. They can’t draw and they write stupid shit like Tim is gay or Ashley sucks cock for coke. And now people have to paint over it and it’s an eye sore.

5. Bad Dog Owners

I hate when you walk by and these annoying fucking dogs won’t shut up. And the owner doesn’t clean up the dog shit. If I knew where they lived I’d take a bag of dog shit and light it on fire on the guy’s porch and see how they like stepping on shit.

4. Impatient Drivers

I don’t understand why people are in such a hurry to go nowhere. They can’t wait a single second at the lights, they talk on the phone and speed. I guess they want to get home in time for the View.

3. Looking at People When Walking

I walk all the time; all over town. I know a lot of people who see me walking by. I’d run but I majorly fucked up my knees; very depressing. It’s that I hate looking at strangers’ faces when walking by and I end up looking down on the ground or at my Ipod. I now try to say good morn.

2. Shitty movies

Why does Hollywood release terrible movies that should never get past the drawing board? For example I rented a movie called Transmorphers thinking it was Transformers. It got a 1.8 on IMDB. I have done better and more coherent movies in high school. And I’m not the biggest Jack Black fan either.

1. Zombies

Am I the only one that is so tired of zombies? I enjoyed Resident Evil 2 on the Playstation, but I don’t like the movies. I don’t know the biology of a zombie. One bites you, you become a zombie and then you bite other people. Hey Zombies, have you ever heard of McDonalds? Give it a try. All of my friends tell me how cool the Walking Dead is. Maybe I should give it a try, but I’m a busy man.

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