Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Ughh What Did He Write?

I was chatting with one of my biggest fans Lisa. She said she can’t comment anymore for some reason. That’s too bad because I love any kind of comments. So I don’t know how many people have tried to comment. It feels good when people leave positive messages about my blog page. But I told Lisa about this one commenter that left a confusing message in my spam box a while ago. She said to post it because it’s funny. I think they’re by the same guy. Here it is by anonymous:

“Search engines show relevant pages in top rankings and show them one by one based on content quality and site popularity criteria. Search engines like Google, Yahoo & MSN would rank your website higher or lower in the search engine results depending on your link popularity. In fact most of these SEO applications were designed by SEO experts that are tired of doing the same thing repeatedly. Look at my web site ... kontent machine review on”

“A competent specialist is commonly well aware of entire know-how that is needed on an successful copy writing and useful affiliate marketing. Search engines love nothing more than good quality unique content. SEO Software Review #2 - Advanced Web Ranking is deemed to be the second finest program currently offered in the market because this program offers various beneficial functionalities such as effective link building and management elements. My webpage - wicked article creator software”

You and your big words. As I mentioned earlier, I’m no Stephan Hawking. So I have no clue what you’re talking about. Next time in English please. Normally when people comment about my blogs they say how funny my posts are. Hey anonymous, what’s the point of your first paragraph? Are you saying my blog page is unpopular? I mean you found it.

And in the second paragraph, what are you getting at? Am I not competent? I never copy write anything or use marketing of any kind. I admit sometimes I do a lot research by looking up Wiki encyclopedia, Youtube, IMDB, fan sights and movies. But it’s all my material. When I do my top ten blogs, it’s my top ten and I don’t borrow other people.

So sorry I’m not going to visit any webpages. Not because I don’t want to, but I’m afraid of viruses. And coming from a person who has terrible grammar and is the king of typos, you misspelled “kontent” (unless you’re Russian or something). And “on an successful” should be “on a successful.” As in the Toronto Maple Leafs on a successful winning streak.

Saturday, 27 April 2013

Around the World in100 Days

I haven’t done much travelling in my life. In my grade 8 class field trip we went to Quebec, Quebec. Since Quebec is the French province of Canada, I brought along a French dictionary with me. Everyone tried to order food in French and each time the waiter tells us they speak English.

I brought my camera and took stupid pictures of the sights and buildings instead of pictures of my friends and classmates. You should cherish these moments forever. I mean when would you like to look back at Cheau Frontenac or a Bonhomme ice sculpture?

I go to Florida once a year with my parents. We drive across the States beginning with Michigan. We never stop in Ohio. We wait until we hit the redneck states like Kentucky and Tennessee. I love Florida and I write a blog each time we visit. So check out my older blogs about my Florida trips.

And that’s it. I would love to go hitchhiking all across the world except I have nobody to go with. God I’m so desperately lonely. Or better yet, I’d sail a across the world on a hot air balloon. I would of course put Canadian flags on my bags. I even heard Americans do the same because everyone loves Canada.

Here are some places I’d like to visit:

Great Brittan

My dad was born in England and moved to Canada when he was young. My relatives owned a pub. That would be awesome to have my own pub. I’d probably become an alcoholic.  I would definitely go golfing in Scotland and watch some Manchester United soccer. I mean football. I always wonder why they call American football, football. It has nothing to do with feet. They should call it handball or throwball.


I love Japanese culture and big cities. I noticed a lot of Asian students at college hang out with each other exclusively. But the first thing I’d do in Japan is make friends with white or other North American people. Its funny, on my floor there was this hot black chick that we’d hang out with. Well buddy went to sit down with her and her black friends and one big guy said something like “what are you doing here white boy?” Maybe it wasn’t funny.


Obvious. I would love to buy a brick of weed and just smoke it wherever I want, mon. No more hiding behind the church to get high mon. And I love reggae music and hot weather mon. And my only friend who doesn’t smoke weed goes to Jamaica and right off the bat people try to sell him weed. Take me with you!


I think it would be cool to see all of the sights and sounds of Italy, like the Coliseum or Leaning Tower of Pizza. I’d have to go through Venice and see how the roadways are water. And I would love to see the Vatican. I also love Italian food and mobster movies.


Ever since I watched the awesome movie the Beach I have the biggest urge to visit Thailand. For one thing everything is cheap, like your mom. I’d hope to watch some real kickboxing. Maybe Sagat verses Bison. However I just hope nobody plants drugs in my bag and I end up in jail forever.


I would love to see the outback and I’d bring my poke balls with me. Maybe I’d catch a psychduck, a kangaskhan or a dodrio. And being Canadian, I’d challenged any Aussie to a drinking contest. I also would like to go snorkeling in the Great Barrier Reef and catch a Nemo.


Again it’s obvious why I’d to Holland. Amsterdam baby! Where everything is legal. Like it should be. I’d have to hit the red light district and maybe the mountains; if they have mountains. I’d probably buy some shrooms, weed brownies and finally try some real absinthe.

Here are some places where I don’t want to visit:


I would never want to visit a country whose name is synonymous of a fucking war. I have already seen Platoon, Apocalypse Now and Full Metal Jacket. I don’t like jungles and I don’t want to get pick pocketed. Although I always keep my wallet in my front pocket.

North Korea

I would stay far away from Korea as I can. They are a communist country with an evil dictator with a Napoleon complex. Kim, haha girl’s name, likes parades. Have you seen the soldiers walk in sequence? I guarantee someone misses a step and they are shot. And their families and dog get shot too. And they might soon have nuclear weapons. Scary.


China seems overcrowded and polluted. There are just too many damn people in a small area. The funny thing is that soon millions will be retired or just too damn old to work and there are not enough young people to support them. And since parents want boys instead of girls many men might turn gay.


Russia is too damn cold. It’s cold in Canada, so why would I want to visit somewhere else even colder.  And there’s nothing really interesting to see there. Plus I’d have to carry a lot of clothes with me. But I always wanted one of those Russian hats. Maybe I’d get a hot mail order bride. It’s just I know they are there for a free ticket to Canada, she wouldn’t love me and she wouldn’t want to live with me in my parents basement.


I have already written how much George W. Bush and the Iraq war infuriates me. Iraq citizens and American soldiers were much, much better off with Saddam. You can’t liberate a country by blowing the shit out it for oil. You couldn’t pay me to go there.


It pains me to see the rainforest cut down. The rainforest is vital to Earth by releasing oxygen. But you have to look at the native’s perspective. They have to feed their families and this might be the only way they can. I would never want to go there. There are too many things there that I’m afraid of. Like piranhas or those worm fish that get lodged in your fucking dick.


Way back in high school long before the Iraq war I dressed up as a suicide bomber for Halloween. I thought of it when found my dad’s Middle Eastern robe and beard. So I cut off those red golf club tubes, used some wires and tabbed the dynamite on my stomach. It looked authentic and was fucking awesome. Too bad the photos my mom took didn’t develop right and I can’t find the costume now. That’s why I’d never want to go to Israel or other backward Middle Eastern countries. I don’t like getting blown up.


Ribbit. French people piss me off. They just seem so snooty and stuck-up. There was this French foreign exchange student next to my room in college. He didn’t use soap and spent most of his time in his room. I tried to initiate conversations or invite him to go to the bar with me a couple of times but he turned me down. I did see him at the bar though with his foreign friends and he didn’t even introduce me to them. Finally one day he snapped on me because I kept hitting snooze on my alarm. Hey asshole, next time just ask for me to turn it off. Anyway I hate wine. And what would I do in Paris anyway. Wow the Eifel tower, neat.

Monday, 22 April 2013


Hi I’m Greg and I am an atheist.

I already have written about Jesus, the Ten Commandments, Genesis, Noah’s Arc, Heaven and Hell and other religious topics. I plan on writing about Armageddon. Only because I think the bible is funny.

But it’s not like I’m proud of it. I’m not going to look down on people who have different beliefs than me. I’m not like “haha these fools believe in God. Haha.” At the same time I’m not a bad person because I don’t share other people’s beliefs.

In fact some of the most religious people turn out as the biggest sinners. Like those evil fucking pedophile priests. And the catholic churches are running low on priests. Maybe if they were allowed to marry and have other people in the community to help out we wouldn’t have such a shortage.

I remember my first confession I didn’t know what to say really. I think I told father that I stole $5 from my mom’s purse and made fun of the dorks in my class. I mean really, why do we have to seek a priest when we could just pray to God and ask Him for forgiveness. “Father I had sex with a raccoon. Again. Forgive me.” “Haha. I’m sorry. I want you to say ten thousand rosaries.” I wonder how the priest reacts to more hardcore shit. Like having sex with dead bodies or even killing someone!
I’ll reiterate what I have written before. I think for the average Christian that believes in God and may or may not go to church is great. I’m glad they think God loves them and they’ll go to Heaven when they die. Religion really is an opium for the masses. I find it a defense mechanism that people can’t cope with dying. I wish I was going to Heaven.

Right near my house there is a Mormon church. Or what is known as the Church of Latter Day Saints. And there is usually a cop car in the parking lot at night. It’s so funny I’m considering of going to mass there. I have seen a South Park episode all about the Mormons, so check it out.

Its basically saying that Jews used to live in North America but have sinned and God turned them brown and now they are native Americans. That’s just a little racists to both races. I mean Jews would never sell land unless they can make a good profit. And because of this they wouldn’t sell Long Island for some fire water.

So around the 1800s this guy Joseph Smith, real original name, was visited by angels and even the man upstairs. One vision that told him about these golden plates which Joe used to write the book of Mormons. And this horny bastard wrote about polygamy. That’s cool that you can have sex with many wives and they will do all of the chores. But this means some unlucky guys would miss out on having any wives. Or they fight over the fat chicks.

Then you have these asshole evangelists. I already wrote about Jesus Camp. My roommate came to me one day and said you have to watch this movie, Jesus Camp. He was pissed off. And he should have been. Then I downloaded it. Some parts are funny, some are just sad and some are unbearable to watch.

First off the councilor is a fat beast who said “people are getting fat and lazy.” And she said “this world is a sick world.” Hey bitch the world has its problems but on the whole it’s great place that God has created. And they’re brainwashing these kids. The funniest part is when rat boy is watching this show where they are making fun of evolution. And that how could we go from slime to people. The kid laughed like crazy. Clearly they don’t understand evolution.

These crazies even have a cardboard standup of former president George I’m a Retard W. Bush. Fat beasts tells them to say hello to the President. That’s so stupid. I hate that fucker for what he has done and the whole Iraq war. I also wrote a blog about the white devil Bush way back in the day. So check it out.

Then there is Ted Haggard. He is or was the leader of some of those huge hardcore evangelical churches. He got caught having sex with a man and doing meth. And then he admits to being weak or something. I’m pretty sure he knows he’s full of shit. Then there are all of these people who donate to these churches. Even people on welfare. My aunt is one of them. There are more important causes like giving to the poor and needy. And not buying these ministers gold watches, expensive suits and a nice haircut. And prostitutes and meth.

I consider all churches of being a little crazy. I find Christianity no different than Greek mythology. But the craziest religion has to be Scientology. It was created by a science fiction writer L. Hubbard. Yes a science fiction writer. To clarify, that’s an author that makes up shit. Scientology has nothing to do with science or ologies. Again there is a South Park episode about scientology. Because of this Isaac Hayes, who did the voice of chef, left because he is a member of scientology.

I won’t get into the details because this is some fucked up story.  I’ll try my best. We are actually aliens called thetans. There is this galactic emperor Xenu from 75 millions years ago. All the planets were overpopulated so Xenu froze some aliens and trapped their souls. Using airplanes Xenu sent these souls to Earth, which was called Teegeeack, and sent them into volcanoes. When these aliens rose some contraption called an electric ribbon prevented them. So we are trapped in bodies and somehow we experience pain and suffering because of this.

So we are audited. This is deep counseling where some dude asks a series of questions. They use an E-meter which is really a piece of shit electronic device that has nothing to do with anything. The part that bothers me is you have to pay money to get to the “next level.” I think Scientology is cult for crazy people, like Tom Cruise who is brainwashing his daughter. John Travolta is also a member. I think he really needs to see a physiatrist and work on his homosexual tendencies.

In the end I don’t give a fuck about these western religions that don’t affect me. It’s those crazy Muslim and Middle Eastern religions where they think blowing themselves is a great idea.

Anyway, another good movie about religion is Religulous by Bill Maher. It’s both a hilarious and eye opening documentary on religion. The two best parts is when Maher is talking to a pothead in Amsterdam and says his hair is on fire. Or when he interviews a Senator who said “you don’t have to pass an I.Q. test to be a Senator.” Maher didn’t look impressed. Finally I like the song Dear God by XTC. It’s catchy and pretty much summarizes everything I feel about religion. I’m going to Hell.

Thursday, 18 April 2013


The Extra Extra-Terrestrial

I haven’t seen E.T. forever. I never really liked it was a kid. I saw it at Goodwill for a dollar and thought what the fuck I’ll give it another shot. And I still don’t really like it. E.T. and Elliot kind of bugged me.

The movie begins with these ugly naked midget aliens’ colleting plants and shit. E.T. wanders off and his ship leaves without him. Haha. This is where my mom would say “why didn’t they wait for him; they must have known that one of them is missing.” Yes mom, then there wouldn’t be a movie now would there.

There is a government agency after them. I assumed they were the evil kind. But why would they leave without him? It’s a tiny fucking ship and there could only be so many aliens aboard. I guess they have never heard of the buddy system. It’s kind of like when William Defoe misses the helicopter in Platoon. And why didn’t they go back when they realize they fucked up and E.T. is stranded on this planet that is killing him? By the way his name is really Rick.

Elliot is this young boy who discovers Rick. I mean E.T. He lives with his mother, his brother and his younger sister Drew Barrymore. They don’t get into the details but the father is a deadbeat dad that left them. I think he fucked his much younger secretary and went to Vegas to live with her.

Elliot pays for a pizza and finds E.T. rummaging in his shed. E.T. flees into the forest and Elliot drops the pizza. I would have still eaten it. His older brother Michael is playing D&D with his friends. Losers! Elliot tells them about it but they don’t find anything and they think he’s crazy. Or he just saw some coyote.

Elliot decides leave a trail of Reece pieces to his home. By the way I love all of these hidden advertisements they have in the movie. Just like in the Goonies, Sloth says Baby Ruth or Chunk gets a Dominos pizza at the end. Right now I’m enjoying a warm bottle of Budweiser and some room temperature Big Macs. I forget how E.T. finds the trail but whatever. I would have used a bear trap or a pit.

Once E.T. comes inside their home, Elliot makes his siblings a pact not to tell anyone. Including their mom. So Elliot pretends to be sick and plays with his new E.T. His mother is bit of a bitch because she doesn’t want him to watch T.V. What else is he going to do? They don’t have Gameboy yet. Of course what’s there on T.V. in the 80s anyway? Aside from the Golden Girls.

Elliot tries to teach E.T. about our world. And then E.T. uses his telekinesis to show three balls representing his solar system. Like that’s going to help. Telekinesis is stupid. It’s when you use your mind to move objects. You have to look it a scientifically. Your thoughts are the result of millions of nerves and synapses’ connections and have no bearing on things outside of your brain. If people actually have telekinesis than people would use them. Or at least have a Youtube video.

E.T. demonstrates how he can revive things such as a dead flower. Cool. The next day while Elliot is at school, Elliot and E.T. experience this telepathic connection where Elliot is feeling what E.T. is feeling. So when E.T. starts drinking booze, Elliot is getting shit faced. Then Elliot hits on a girl.

Later that day the class is dissecting frogs. Oh, I love frogs. Why not dissect rats or something else? Back in high school we were dissecting pig hearts. And buddy tried eating it and said it was really tough and chewy. So Elliot freaks out and releases all of the frogs. I hope it’s for the best.

E.T. is literally getting home sick and Elliot is also getting sick too. E.T. begins collecting random junk like a speak and spell, umbrella, coffee can, saw and other useless junk for a makeshift telecommunicator to “phone home.” It’s really a piece of shit that just would not work. “Can you here me now?” Haha.

It’s Halloween and they dress E.T. as a ghost. I guess it’s really supposed to Drew. Elliot is riding a bike with the E.T. in the basket. Neither one is wearing a helmet. And then E.T. uses his powers to fly into the forest and land by a good spot to use the device.

This is one of the most famous cinematic scenes of all time when they’re riding the bike in the sky against a full moon. And because of this tons of stupid movies spoof this scene. But they’re not even funny. “Haha. Jay is riding a bike with a monkey in the basket. And what’s this! They are riding in the air with a full moon in the background just like E.T. Priceless!”

E.T. makes the call to his alien friends with his piece of shit contraption. He went over his minutes. He should have pay as you go. Elliot finds him dying and brings him home. Elliot’s mother finds out just before the government surrounds the house and quarantines it. I find out that the government isn’t as evil as I suspected. However the government can’t heal E.T.

Again I missed some parts. E.T. is dying along with that flower. Elliot has a heart to heart and E.T. comes back to life because his ship is coming back. His stomach begins to glow. I guess he had too many hot wings. Then E.T. touches Elliot’s finger just like in the 16th Chapel where Adam touches God’s finger.  And then E.T. boards his ship. And that’s pretty much it.

The movie broke blockbuster records, surpassing even Star Wars. So geniuses decide that because of its popularity they should make an E.T. video game on the Atari. It was so terrible they couldn’t give it away. Literally. They actually dug a hole somewhere in New Veda and buried these useless cartridges.

It’s a good movie for drinking games. Whenever Elliot screams E.T. or E.T. mumbles Elliot you have to take a shot. I hope you have enough liquor because it happens all the fucking time. I myself am from Galacticalla off the third star of Xanaoca. I am studying you humans for an invasion. But we went over budget and I’m left here with you primitive apes. God I’m so desperately lonely.

Tuesday, 9 April 2013

The Kwik-E Mart

When I was a kid, me and the gang would walk to the Kwik- E Mart and buy some candy and hockey cards. Back then the clerks were white. I’m not trying to stereotype, be racist or exaggerate but now they are all East Indian or Chinese. I mean you come to our country to live the Canadian dream and you end up working at a convenience store intended for teenagers and dropouts.

Way back, there were two convenience stores on the corner. One was Beckers until new owners changed it to Daisy Mart. The clerk was this funny Chinese immigrant just so happy to be here. He was always smiling and even bowing. But after some years he got used to our society and became a bit of an asshole.

Soon all of the variety stores carried movies. At Daisy Mart all movies cost a dollar for one night. But if you return it after six the next day he charged double late fees. So it would cost me three bucks. I understand that part of the reason he doesn’t like late movies is because the real money is when people rent them, they usually buy other things. Fine be a prick.

One time I rented three movies and the next day there was a blizzard and my dad didn’t come home till 7:00. We get there at 7:30 and he charged us six bucks because we were an hour and a half late. Even though nobody was going to rent them anyway in a fucking blizzard.

So my dad got angry and he had a word with him. Now my dad refuses to go there and instead he goes to the other variety store, where the Chinese people there are nice and the movies are still only $2. Now whenever I go to Daisy Mart, me and the clerk don’t say a word.

I have a sweet tooth. Ever since I was a kid I loved candy. Too bad all that sugar wasn’t too good for my teeth. I love getting Fun Dip, Nerds and Gobstoppers. Mmm. So sometimes I smoke some weed and buy the five cent candies like sour kids, pop bottles, sour keys, fuzzy peaches and of course gummy bears. I count them in fives, much easier that way. But asshole clerk would go as far as counting them because who knows I could be ripping him off a few cents.

Since Canada is getting rid of the penny I wonder if the prices will be more expensive. I also wonder if they will round up anything with 99 cents to a dollar or round down to 95 cents. This means the give a penny take a penny will now be give a nickel take a nickel.

In the summer I like going to 7 Eleven and buy the biggest slurpy I can find. You end up getting an XX-large because for a few cents more you can get the next bigger size. I like sampling all of the flavors. I also like slush puppies because you can add as much drops as you want. But the last time I drank some I had the biggest brain freeze ever. But I kept drinking it because it was so delicious and I didn’t want to waste it.

 I enjoy reading magazines like the Enquirer or People but I hardly actually buy them. I prefer just to skim through the pages to check out the latest gossip, like Rosy O Donald’s drug habit, Prince William cheating or Lindsay Lohan going to prison. Again.

I used to subscribe to Maxim, Stuff and FHM a long time ago. I’d actually read the articles because I thought they were funny. Of course I would check out the latest babes. And then while I was at college my mom threw them out because they were filthy. Hey mom this isn’t Hustler and they might be worth something someday. Now the magazines are thin and they have exhausted ideas for articles.

Some variety stores have playboys or nudity magazines hidden behind other magazines. Or there is that nudity magazine room with those drapes. I bought a couple of playboys like the college specials when I was in college. Or to see washed up celebrities like a centerfold of Chyna.  I think my dick shrunk when I saw that mess. I was very nervous the first time and I tried to buy a shit load of other items and sneak the playboy in. Now I can just download pics at home without looking like a pervert.

Speaking about porn, I like extremely soft core porn. Usually I like looking at chicks playing with their big boobs. So I mustard up some courage and finally went to the Adult store. I tried to order some girls gone wild. They didn’t have any. What they did have seemed over expensive and kind of gross. I don’t like looking at other guys’ dicks.

A lot of people like getting lottery tickets. Which is annoying when you’re behind some old granny who has like fifty of the scratch ones. I heard this scam that when some people hit the jackpot the clerk will give them a smaller prize and use the winning ticket for themselves.

Many stores have the no loitering sign because teenagers like hanging out there. I don’t know why though. They also have no skateboard or rollerblades. And some of the punk teenagers ask adults to get buy them cigarettes or lighters. I don’t smoke but I thought I’d buy a pack to hide my joints in when go out to the bars or concerts. They now hide the damn packages for some stupid reason so how do I know what to get.

There is one variety store right across the high school where there is a limit of only two students at one time so nobody steals any Kit Kat bars. And they have cameras in case people try something funny. But this is Canada and I don’t think any strung out druggies will rob a store because we don’t have guns. But I’m sure the clerks have other means of defense like a tazer, bat or hot coffee.

“Hi I’m going to rob you.” “Don’t shoot!” “I’m not going to kill you.” “Good.” “Put the money in a bag!” “Paper or plastic?” “Don’t be smart. Plastic.” “All I have is a hundred. Do you want pennies?” “Um, yes. And give me some movies too.” “Comedy or horror.” “Um comedy. Quickly now.” “Here you go.” “And here’s my get away. It’s been a pleasure.” “Thankyou, come again.” “Haha. Thankyou, come again. Like you want me to come back. Haha.”

Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Lame Hobbies

Here are some of my hobbies:

Drinking beer
Playing video games
Surfing the net
Watching TV and movies
Listening to my Ipod 2000 while going for walks
Smoking weed
Writing a blogpage that hardly anyone visits
And volunteering at the old age home
Haha. Not. I never volunteer anywhere

And that’s pretty much all I do. But here are some stupid hobbies:

Stamp Collecting

Who actually gives a shit about stamps? I don’t even know where you buy them in the first place? And can you stick and unstick them as many times as you want? How do you know how old or how much they are worth? “Hey man look at this killer stamp of a beaver.” “Awesome man! Would you like to trade?” “Not for sale.”

Metal Detectors

Have you ever seen old people combing the beach? I’d like to know how much they have ever found. “Oh I found a dime. It’s been a month and my metal detector is already paying off!” Hey try getting a job and then buy metal things with your money. You’re never going to find Long Boots’ lost treasure buried on the beach. And if there was then people would have already found it.

RC and Slot Car Racing

How much fun can you have driving a remote control car? Why spend money for something that you would just get bored of in a week. The same goes for those RC boats. I always wondered what happens if it get stuck in the middle of water. Slot car racing looks lame. But those battle robots are cool. And my dad used to build kick ass model airplanes that I have yet to try.


Knitting and crocheting is for old women with nothing better to do. I admit I like hemp necklaces but I’m not going to wear my aunts yellow wool sweater. I understand it took her forever so I only wear it when she visits. But she might make a new sweater if I lie to her about it. I rather get my sweaters from sweat shops. Funny I have seen this dude wearing an angry bird shirt. I make a point of not wearing video game shirts or those stupid pick up line shirts.

Collecting Action Figures

Me and my bro still have our G.I.Joes from when we were young. We have both bases, a huge ship and like fifty guys. We also have three of the construction bots which are useless unless you have all five. But I think I sold my He-Man figures for next to nothing at my friend’s garage sale. But my older cousin still collects toys. He’s a grown man and drives hours away to buy and trade action figures. I have no fucking clue what he does with them? Does he lock them up in a case or does he actually play with them?

Bird Watching

I don’t know how exciting bird watching can be? Do bird watchers walk around looking for new birds? With cell phones they can finally take pictures so people believe them. “I swear to God I saw a red feather pigeon.” Or do they carry a pad and pen? The fun part is right off the bat you see like twenty birds. Like those annoying geese or seagulls. I did see a bald eagle in Florida though. Hey you hardcore bird watchers, go the rain forrest where there are a million birds. And try going to Antarctica to find the allusive penguin. Personally I’d just go to the zoo. If that counts.