Friday, 26 July 2013

I Hate Sara Palin

Lat night I drank four energy drinks and spent several hours looking up stuff on Youtube. I came across this guy called the Amazing Atheist.  He’s a very smart guy and I love his bit on feminism. So check him out.

Then I came across all of these clips on how stupid Americans are. I realize they probably only show idiots. But then I find out some crazy statistics like 30% of Americans can’t locate their own damn country on a world map. And I’m thinking there is no fucking way that could be true. So I’m thinking they must be white trash redneck retards because I’m pretty sure citizens from New York or D.C. for example know better.

Then I found some clips making fun of Canada. For example Anny Coulter, who is retarded, thought we fought in Nam and that the States should invade my country because we don’t have an army. Even Fox news took cheap shots like we live in igloos and said dumbass things like instead of police we have Mounties. By the way our crime rate is way less.

That’s the funny thing about Canada. We have the best of both worlds.  We have all of the good things that the U.S. has, but the world doesn’t hate us. We really think outside the box. Americans don’t realize how arrogant they really are. Many ate that bullshit that invading Iraq was a smart decision.  I have even seen some reporters ask which country they should invade next. Most of them suggested other Middle Eastern countries they might have heard of. And one idiot said Italy.

And then I came across this show The Young Turks and he talked about Sara Palin. I’ll admit I don’t know much about politics. So I will spare you the details. But I remember way back in around 2008 hearing how stupid Sarah Palin is. But I never actually had seen her in interviews or speeches until just recently.

I realize I’m like five years late but holy shit is she retarded. I just hate everything about her. Her voice, her smile, her winking. Even when she is being insulted she still smiles like an idiot. I just want to smack her in the face. And for being a past beauty pageant winner I don’t even think she’s hot. She reminds of Peggy Hill. If you don’t believe me then check out some Youtube videos of her and see how stupid and insane she really is.

I realize she was a mayor and a governor of Alaska. Whoopee fucking do. It’s Alaska; I think their population is like 175,000. I don’t think that carries a lot of responsibility. Really what does she do? Cut taxes for igloos and pass sled dogs regulations?

She tries to do this look like whatever she is saying is intelligent. She could say the world is 6000 years old, which she believes, but from her look it sounds like its true. And she tries to use big words that she clearly doesn’t understand. She just pieces random words together. Such as saying “oil and gas regulation.” I have no idea what that is supposed to mean.

She contradicts herself all of the time. She was behind the “bridge to nowhere.” From what I read it was this grossly expensive bridge to a small island with like 50 citizens.  And then she pulls a 180 when congress pulled the plug and called it an embarrassment.

She can’t even answer a simple question. She just rambles on spewing out nonsense that has nothing to do with the question at hand or even politics for that manner. Again her answers are unnecessarily long and incoherent.

Each time she opens her dumb mouth the more stupid she looks. All she does is keep repeating about health care reform, the budget and getting the economy back on track. She never actually explains how she will obtain these goals except to cut taxes. And “it’s all under the umbrella of job creation.” She was so embarrassing the Republicans tried to prevent further interviews with her.

She makes Bush look like a member of Mensa. By the way Mensa is such a gay club. I don’t know what the qualifications of being a member are. “I’m sorry, only people with an I.Q. higher than 170 are allowed to join. Your I.Q. is only 150 and you’re an idiot.” What exactly do they do at their club gatherings anyway? Let’s play speed sudoku or solves algorithms.

In a classic interview, Katie Couric asked her which magazines and books she has read to prepare herself for office. And Palin says she has read most of them. And Couric asks for which ones and Sara says all of them, any of them. She doesn’t give a single damn example. And if you didn’t catch it, Couric does a quick nod to the camera and smiles. And then Palin changes subjects saying Alaska isn’t a foreign country and is a microcosm of America. What the fuck does that have to do with anything?

In another interview, Couric asks a question about John McCain Curly Fries and her genius answer is he’s a maverick. Couric says “I’m not going to ask one more time not to belabor the points, specific examples in his 27 years of pushing more legislation.” And genius says “I’ll try to find some and bring it to you.” It’s like Couric is speaking to a monkey.  Palin also couldn’t name a founding father when she was asked on the spot.

Charlie Gibson asks her a question about Russia and again she avoids the question and goes rambling on. I can’t believe this, but she actually says you can see Russia from land in Alaska. I’m not even making this up. Why would she say something so stupid? That’s something a five year old would say. No Sarah, unless you’re Superman, you can’t fucking see Russia from the States. Afterwards when she realized, or was told, how preposterous that statement was, she denied ever saying it. Even though they have it recorded. She also said her interviews were taken out of context.

Palin didn’t even know that Africa is a continent and that South Africa is a country. She has barely been outside her own country. I also heard her saying “we gotta stand with our North Korean allies.” Um, I think she meant South Korea.
In another Youtube clip I saw, Couric asks Palin on her stance on abortion, even from incest or rape. All Palin had to do say was if she’s against it or not and why. Palin goes off the tangent and spews all of these useless words. And then she changes subjects. Am I the only one who notices this? She also likes to repeat people’s names.

I think the only reason why she was chosen to run for vice president is to get the female vote. So why not get a governor and former beauty pageant queen to run for vice president. And McCain can get’s the senior, veteran and racist vote.

Barbra Walters asked Palin something like on a scale of one to ten how does she rate Obama as a president. She gives him a four. Whatever. I really admire Obama. I think he’s an excellent and charismatic president that got stuck with all of this mess to clean up. He seems very intelligent and even funny at times.

CNN’s Cafferty said it best that “Sara Palin is one 72 year old heart beat from being President and if that doesn’t scare the Hell out of you, it should.” He also called her interviews pathetic. Which is very true.

The whole point of my blog is how do idiots like George W. Bush and Sara Palin become or almost become president? There are so many more qualified and intelligent people out there that should be running the U.S. Like Mensa members.

Even as a Canadian my life is strongly affected by whoever becomes president. Sara Palin is a joke. Imagine she actually did become president. It would be a complete disaster. At least Bush was a puppet and he never really ran this country. Who knows what Palin would do? For all I know she could really fuck up the economy. And she would have control of the nukes. Very scary. By the way she can’t pronounce the word nuclear.

I don’t know if this quote is real, but I found it hilarious. "There were plenty of plants and animals back then, and they did just fine in the heat. And as Earth starts to warm up, all our old friends will start coming back. The polar bears might die off, but think of all the dinosaurs we're gonna get!” Haha, priceless. By the way McCain is a dinosaur.

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