Religion was a way of explaining things. It’s just that it did a poor piss job at it. There are certain things in the Bible that we realize are false and completely inaccurate. Like the world being only 5,000 years old.
It’s insane. The sad part of it is that there are crazy people out there that still believe in the most ridiculous things.
Creationism is the belief that God created all of the animals, including all of the birds, sea creatures and other species in six days. In other words, intelligent design is that there is a creator, God, of everything. Including Satan.
Evolution is the scientific theory that all organisms originated from a common ancestor and continue to change and adapt over generations for a long fucking time through natural selection.
I see their point of the creator of the watch analogy. That there needed to be a designer of a watch. Species are far more complicated than watches so there must be a designer; God. But watches metal devices. We are living organisms. They just don’t understand evolution.
I got this picture from I Fucking Love Science off a friend in Facebook
At first I thought this was hilarious. However it is pretty sad when you really think about it. I don’t like these religions\cults brainwashing young impressionable kids. I can’t believe this is real. It boggles the mind.
It’s like having questions like is the world flat, does the sun revolve around the Earth or is two plus two equal five? And this seems like a shitty ass fourth grade test. It’s more like a kindergarten quiz. Normal kids aren’t this stupid. Have you seen can that show Are You Smarter than a Fifth Grader?
So this is what I hate when people think religion is science or can be taught along with science. There is a reason why one is called a religion and one is called science. With science people test theories, hypothesis and such. With a new theory or advance in knowledge the older one is discarded.
With religion you can’t test things like “is God real?” And religion remains stagnant to change. They will never change their ideas and knowledge with new advances in science. Such as is the world is more than five thousands years old. We pretty much solved the age of Earth. So the theory of Earth being 5,000 years old should be thrown away. That’s what real science is.
But as you see they continue to be arrogant with their thoughts and traditions. When science comes along they will slightly change their religion to include it in their beliefs. So when we found out about the dinosaurs, through science, they say well man and dinosaur coexisted. Or else that fucks up creationism. And again, they won’t change creationism.
Here’s a funny question. If dinosaurs and man coexisted, then did Noah catch two of every dinosaur too? And keep them on a boat, feed them and make sure they don’t eat each other too? I would love to see Noah catch two T-Rexes and contain them on a boat without them going on a feeding rampage. Checkmate.
So if man and dinosaur coexisted, then what happened to these dinosaurs? They didn’t even attempt to explain it. When was the last dinosaur encounter, when did they go extinct? Because I don’t think it’s in the Good Book.
In fact they didn’t even know about dinosaurs until scientist excavated their bones. Apparently these Christians fail to understand fossils or geography. We tested these bones, and yes, they once lived millions of years ago. And not on the sixth day.
By the way, how do creationists explain new breeds of dogs? Like a poodle slash golden retriever. Uh, oh, God didn’t create said mutt on the sixth day. We humans created it out of cross breeding.
The Quiz:
1. The Earth is billions of years old
Um, true? Here’s an example. I assume Christians have never heard of Pangaea. Pangaea was the original super continent and by plate tectonics the continents slowly separated. Like an inch a year. Let’s just say it took more than five thousands for these continents to become where they are now.
2. Dinosaurs lived millions of years ago.
Uh, that sounds right. With geography, the layers of sediments are like a history book. When certain species are killed and trapped under mud or something, their bones are preserved. For the most part the deeper the fossils, the older they are. And they are much older than just 5,000 years old.
As I said earlier, what happened to every single dinosaur if they were around 5,000 years ago? What massive extinction killed all of these dinosaurs, all over the world, without even harming humans and present every day animals? I think something happened millions of years ago to kill them off. Go watch Jurassic Park if you don’t believe me.
3. On what day did God create dinosaurs?
I think that’s a little presumptuous. I don’t believe in God and I don’t believe He created dinosaurs. It’s like saying on what day did Greg save the world from aliens?
It reminds me of a guy I worked with at Goodwill that asked “did you ever suck a cock that you didn’t like?” If you either say yes or no that means that you’re gay. I said neither because I’m not gay or a drug addict. Checkmate.
4. Dinosaurs lived with people
No. The dinosaurs would eat and kill us. Spears, crossbows, swords, fire and catapults would do fuck all against a T-Rex. And again, they were extinct millions of years ago before man. Or even caveman. This isn’t the Flintstones.
5. What did people and animals eat in the beginning?
Not just plants. I liked to know when the beginning was. I think organism pretty much ate any organic substance. For example I never heard of lions eating grass before. Even in the beginning.
6. Which one fits the Behemoth Job 40?
He could circle an elephant, a rhinoceros or some random dinosaur. He circled the dinosaur. I think it’s a trick question. Neither. I looked up Job 40 and he doesn’t really explain what the Behemoth was. It could be a dinosaur and since it’s a question about the Bible I’ll give it to him.
7. If an animal has sharp teeth it must mean it is meat eater.
It makes sense. This question is probably the less crazy one. But my pet gerbil had sharp teeth and I didn’t feed him bacon. And beavers have sharp teeth so they can cut down wood and make a damn. So it not “must” mean it is a meat eater all of the time.
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