Wednesday, 29 June 2011


I just saw the Snow Birds flying over Canatara. It was fucking sweet.  I can’t believe how close they were when they were in formation. They were almost playing chicken. It was as if they wanted to crash in each other but narrowly escape. The problem was the sky was white and the sun was bright. So I kept losing them or thinking seagulls were them. The twisted side of me would love if the pilot ejects and you see the plane crashing into the water.

It reminded me about my grade 8 science project. Wait my dad’s science project. As all my Hogan friends know that my dad kept doing the projects for me because there is no way in hell I could pull it off alone. I wanted to see if I could grow a skittles tree by planting skittles in the ground. But my dad all excited already made up his mind. Now my dad is an engineer and smart person. He used to make model airplanes and fly them. So he built this contraption with a wind tunnel with weights and wings. However I did understand it and I was great in presenting it. But I felt really embarrassed and ashamed, I was a complete phony . In fact I don’t even think I could make a stupid volcano that squirts out salsa.

So of course I won. Again. I went to the national science fair in Thunder Bay. We flew in a very small airplane which was scary for my first time. The cool part was that heading to the fair there were not many clouds and you see all everything from above. I went with this Chinese chick whose parents obviously did her project as well. She’s smart but it had to do with this cutting technology about skin cell research that she didn’t even have the resources to pull off. And she never really talked or hangout. And there was this genius nerd guy who actually did it himself. So we get there and I realize pretty much all of the projects were done by their parents too. There were a few other aerodynamic wind tunnel experiments too. One I recall that won was this robot that went under water and used lasers and shit to track how many fish there are. Bullshit, who are you David Suzuki? The best part was that Bill Nye the Science Guy was at the science fair.

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