Saturday, 30 April 2011

The Kingdom of Hell

I know I talk the shit out of religions. I just find them silly and amusing. In fact I want to write a book Blind Faith. I consider Christianity as crazy as Greek Mythology. But I think faith is a good thing in moderation.  I thinks great for the average person; they might may or may not go to church or take the bible literally. But they believe in God and if they do good deeds they go to heaven. That’s super; I wish I could believe in God again. But I chose the red pill.

Anyway unless you’re a fellow atheist or have a strong conviction, please don’t read the rest of this blog. The last thing I want to do is convert someone. Thanks Greg I don’t believe in heaven anymore and life is meaningless. But I bet the curiosity is killing you. Here’s three more theories of mine about heaven.

First here’s my Genesis theory. There are two contradicting stories. One says that man was created first followed by the animals. The other one says no the animals were created first and man was created last. Am I the only one that notices this? But people say oh that’s just a story not meant to be taken literally. The problem then is how can you pick and choose what is literal and what is not. I mean there are obscured passages that condemn homos. Why wouldn’t the writers just say it loud and clear how Jebus feels about it. So how do we know if there is a heaven or it’s made up?

Second is my what is heaven like theory? Nobody knows. You would think something as fucking important as heaven would be in the bible. We have no details about it accept that we live on clouds in the sky. How does it work, are the physics the same; are we still made of molecules? It makes no sense really.

Then there is my Grape Fruit Rollup theory. Consider a two mile grape fruit rollup a timeline of existence. Life on Earth would be like a sugar molecule. It would be so insignificant compared to heaven. Like how the ability to destroy a planet is insignificant to the power of the force. I don’t even see the point of this life, why wouldn’t we all just chill in heaven. Sure we want child molesters to burn in hell forever, but I think the Big Guy would forgive some guy who robbed a Kwiki mart after burning 300 years in Hell.

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