Monday, 25 April 2011


Hey everybody! I’m Greg and this is my second blog page.  I had one when everyone I knew had one. But that was a long time ago. Mine was something like Re-tarded.blogspot. I was proud of it, but it eventually went to Dr Kevorkian. I got issues about everything and I like to share them with people. So I use or now used to use facebook and post these massive comments. Some people like it, others don’t like me crowding their walls and making them scroll down. I actually lost some “friends”, but I couldn’t give a shit about them.  On a side note, why do people have like infinity friends, people you hardly know that give posts like I had cereal today but I ran out of milk.  Anyway my buddies convinced me to start another blog page. I thought Grrrreat, now I can make even bigger blogs without editing the shirt out of them to fit the word limit. So with absolutely nothing better to do  (I’m on what I call a reverse retirement) I’m making a grand opening of I Have Issues. Some blogs will be silly, others more serious.  So enjoy, and feel free to comment or voice your opinions.

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