Sunday, 11 December 2011

Here is Some Rambling Nonsense Because I’m Stoned

I can be a very gullible person; I believe almost anything I hear. Such as when I bought a used television that didn’t work even though the sticker said tested. Twice. I also do stupid things like the whole you got something on your shirt gag and you look down and the person hits you in your nose. I actually fell for it. Twice. Within one hour. Maybe because I’m trustworthy, maybe I have no short term memory or maybe because I spill shit on my shirt a lot.

But if I take a second to ponder something I can be quite wise. That’s why I am atheist. Out of nowhere here is an example of the whole Solomon the Wise. I recall something to the degree that there are two women claiming that the baby is theirs and Solomon said something like to cut to the baby in half and whoever gives up the baby is the rightful mother. This is so stupid on so many levels. First off the rightful mother might not be the real mom. And I think both mothers would give up the baby instead of fucking cutting the baby in half. But what the fuck happens if both mothers agree to have the baby cut. Think about that one Solomon.

You take the blue pill – the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill – you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes.

As you all know by now that I’m an atheist and I think I can be quite the philosopher. Everyone has all of those deep questions about the universe, life and religion. Why are we here? What’s the point of life?  What do you call male ballerinas? Why doesn’t anyone love me?

I think the point of life is different for each individual. For me its sounds simple, do whatever makes you happy and do what makes others happy. If you like playing Magic Cards all day then fuck it; do whatever makes you feel good as long as it doesn’t hurt anyone. Just maybe you should take a brake every once in a while and tell your mom you love her and go play some Boggle.

Others might think that life shouldn’t be all about hedonism and to follow whatever the bible teaches. They follow Jesus and Jesus in turn wants them to do good things. And more ambitious people might devote their life helping the world like finding cures, saving the whales and making me delicious Big Macs.

However I have no fucking clue why are we here. Or why there is anything at all really. One of my ideas is that the Universe is just perfect, from the tiniest atom to the enormous galaxies. For one thing we have the best possible planet to support life. And do you ever wonder what would happen if our days were 24 hours and 5 minutes? I’m no math wizard but wouldn’t that fuck up everything?

There a lot of quotes that I’m just too lazy to look them up. One quote I like is I think therefore I am.  And I like the whole what a tree sounds like if it falls and there is nobody in the forest to hear it. I think that applies to life. Would the Universe exist without people? Sure it would because I’m actually an android G-259 sent to Earth to learn your culture and plan an all-out world invasion.

The brain is a curious thing; here’s my analogy. The brain is like the hard drive and the mind is like the Windows application. Without Windows (or Lenox) there is no mind. I find it miraculous how all of these brain cells intertwine and interact to create consciousness. Weird isn’t it.

I also find it strange how geese fly in “Vs” to promote lift and conserve energy. I mean if you could ask them they wouldn’t know anything about it. Now I’m not good at trying to express my thoughts but I think animals are just, lack of a better word, programmed to do whatever they do. Much like how our heart beeps on its own.

Back to the brain. My point is that as soon as the brain develops; a being is selected from out of nowhere. People are born and live their life until the blood stops flowing to their brain and the person ceases to exist. And I mean completely. Nothing before or after their life. And I think this applies to animals as well.

You can look at it in many ways now. Some people may feel chosen to live their life. Sure we all have problems but in general we live a happy life. However other less fortunate people might feel trapped into existences. I feel bad for people who live a shitty life such as a burn victim. Seriously they are created without their consent to live a life they don’t want. But in the end life in general is good and we should feel fortunate with what we have and not worry about what we don’t have.

Trinity: I know why you're here, Greg. I know what you've been doing... why you hardly sleep, why you live alone, and why night after night, you sit by your computer. You're looking for him. I know because I was once looking for the same thing. And when he found me, he told me I wasn't really looking for him. I was looking for an answer. It's the question that drives us, Greg. It's the question that brought you here. You know the question, just as I did.

Me: What is the Matrix?

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