Friday, 6 January 2012

Ghost Busters

Believe in anything you want but I find the idea of believing in ghosts is just plain silly. I could care less if someone thinks ghosts are real because it doesn’t really affect my life like how religion does affects my life.

But look at it from a scientific angle.  First everything is made up of molecules. Duh. So what kind of molecules make up a ghost? Maybe hydrogen, helium or ghost molecules? We see light waves so what does a ghost look like? Are they semi invisible light waves or do they appear solid just like us? The thing is how do they move around undetected? Or do they just pop in and out like Night Crawler.

Here’s my beef with ghosts. How come a ghost just doesn’t appear in Times Square or in front of a crowd of people?  No, most people see them in these dark secluded rooms in some old creepy house. Or they feel a presence because the stairs creek or the door closes on its own. Whats this my Nintendo Wii turned on on its own, it must have been a ghost! There is no other possible explanation. Sometimes they have these sketchy photos they used with their cell phone. Is it just a shadow or is it a ghost, who knows.

Don’t get me wrong I think if some old lady died in the bathtub that would freak me out. But what does a ghost do?  I mean if the old lady drowned in the tub why does she haunt the house instead of going to heaven? I much rather play squash with Jesus than float around in the house you died in and scarring the kids.

Why are they here at all? Some people say that they have unfinished business to be done in order to ascend to heaven. Does the old lady have to save little Timmy from drinking Drano?  Or does she have to scare people away from the house because there is an electrical problem and the house might explode?

The brain is a curious thing; it can play tricks on you. After all every thing you see is a relative and a product of your brain. Sometimes you can’t tell the difference between real and unreal. If you ever seen the movie A Beautiful Mind you know what I mean. So I’m not saying people haven’t seen apparitions but that they are simply hallucinating. However people are adamant that they aren’t hallucinating but that is what a hallucination is.

On a lighter note I just watched the movie Ghostbusters. On VHS. I absolutely love it; it was one of my favorite childhood movies. Of course I didn’t get half of the jokes at the time. Like I didn’t understand the whole menstruation joke until four years ago.

Ghostbusters has an all-star cast. Bill Murray is hilarious, one of his best performances. His girlfriend Sigourney Weaver is totally hot; even as Zuul. Dan Aykroyd is funny too; he has the best lines. Egon is the smart guy and I think he was typecast as the smart guy. Rick Moranis plays the funny geek who ends up becoming the key master. Then there is Winston, the token black guy. And Carl from Family Matters has a brief part as he plays the cop once again and lets them out of jail.

At the beginning of the movie they find the ghost librarian and I was too scared to watch it as a kid. I would put my pillow over my face and ask when the scary part was over. But my brother would tell me right when the ghost goes crazy and screams at them. I had nightmares because of that shit.

My favorite part is when the gigantic Stay Puff Marshmallow Man attacks them. And then there is marshmallow globs all over the place. I wish I could eat it, it looks very tasty. Who has the graham crackers and the Hershey’s chocolate bars? I wonder how many marshmallows it took to make this movie. And do you think the Marshmallow man could take on Godzilla?

The Ghostbusters song kicks ass. It’s very fun to do at karaoke with your friends. I know I have Ghostbusters on my speed dial if there is a something strange in my neighborhood. But they have a huge waiting list that takes weeks. Some people decide to go for the second rate Bansheebusters. But they have all sorts of hidden costs like storage, fuel and plutonium.

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