Monday, 16 May 2011

The Acid Trip

I know every month I come up with this crackpot idea that will get me rich and change the face of the world. We all have heard about my own Star Wars parody. But Family Guy beat me to it. So it would have to be rated R because one scene is where Luke uses the force to seduce and knock up Leah who he later realizes is his own sister. I wrote down tons of funny scenes like Jar Jar getting a horrible death from some evil Jedi. But it wouldn’t happen. And I will have to continue to buy value burgers and water at McDonalds.

Then there’s my book I call Blind Faith. I have a million of things to say about religion. The problem is that I have to read and research the bible. And I don’t like reading very boring books about who Moses great aunt was. One thing I find horrible about the Bible is the dude who was going to kill his son until an angel stopped him. Do you know how fucking insane that is. What would happen if someone did that today? I was about to get carried away just now. Anyway I loved Bill Maher’s Religulous. It was a perfect movie but wasn’t as successful as it should have been. Therefore my book would never happen since how poorly his movie was received. I actually got it for $3 at Liquidation World. And also Blood Sport and Road Warrior Pack were awesome finds. I’m still looking for Kids in the Hall: Brain Candy.

Then there is my semi autobiography film called Runner’s High. It’s follows the struggles and perseverance of a young man named Craig that must find his way out of his parent’s basement and to become world famous video game creator. I would of course include my family and friends. Stix could be the pale friend who’s suffering from the aids and I must find a way to pay his bills and keep him alive. Of course that’s a stretch. We have free medicare. Aaron could be the wealthy friend that gives Craig financial boost to get his novel published and a sense of hope. And Irving could be the wise narrator.

But this time I’m serious. I think I have a good idea for a movie. I call it the Acid Trip. A movie about acid for acid heads. The main plot is a bet to see if some guy (let’s call him Ted) can take five hits and find his way home. He freaks out and all this weird shit happens. Like seeing people with speech and thought bubbles above their heads. And at the same time have to face his own inner demons. And many flashbacks. Meanwhile Ted’s friends are also on acid and watch some messed up movies, shows or music videos. Later they have to find Ted. I would include all my crazy experiences on Shrooms and weed. And include my top blogs.


  1. Wilson is the wealthy friend... Irving is the wise narrator.... and I have AIDS?!

    I hope that your imaginary movie bombs at the imaginary box office.
