Sunday, 29 May 2011

Psychics for Dummies

Here’s my own paradox about fortune telling, but I’m sure someone beat me to the punch. Let’s say the psychic says that some chick is going get knocked up and she warns her not to have sex with some dude. So she doesn’t have sex. The problem occurs that fortune teller would have seen the new future of her not having sex but that means her early prediction of her getting knocked up wouldn’t happen. Do you see where I’m going with this?

Psychics are the dumbest thing ever. If it was real then they be billionaires by now. Think sciencetifaclly (I can’t spell) here. If they were true than scientist would have done millions of tests on this psychic phenomena. But they don’t because they’re scientist and not idiots. I wonder how this fortune telling works. How far can they predict; the end of time? And how much can they predict? I mean the brain can’t possibly function with this overload of information. Believers might think they can only predict so much and the person has to be there. Again stupid. I don’t how the fuck you can see in the fucking future in a fucking crystal ball. They would be selling these balls on EBay and everyone would be psychic and destroy the space time continuum as we know it.

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