Tuesday, 3 May 2011

I can kick your ass! At Nintendo

My mom was a working mom. So me and my brother went to our baby sitter’s house after school. She had two of her own kids.. They were like the first ones to own a Nintendo Entertainment System. It was awesome. Me and my brother would run all of the way there from school so we could choose what game to play first.

At the time the Nintendo was technological wonder. You could actually tell what the characters are supposed to be and not just some pixels from an Atari game.  I was used to using arcade joysticks, but wow a directional pad and four bottoms! So my bother finally got one for his birthday. It was the happiest day of my life aside from the day I found a ten dollar bill on the ground. Now of course if I want to play my NES I have to blow on the game and stick it in just right. Of course it always messes up once your deep into the game. It’s funny those batteries last a long time. I can still save on my Zelda 2 cartridge. And wow how big and bulky the cartridges are compared to the new DS ones.

Some of my favourite games were and still are are of course the Mario Brothers, Zelda and Zelda 2 and Mike Tyson’s Punch Out.

Mario Brothers are the most famous video game characters. Or use to be. I think pokemon might have overthrown them. (my word program doesn’t recognize the word pokemon). In fact I heard Mario is more recognizable than Mickey Mouse. Remember the first one where you couldn’t go backwards? And you keep thinking you freed the princess but instead it was a fucking talking magic mushroom (I want to eat Toad).  Mario 2 was even a more messed up game. I just beat it again a couple of weeks ago on my game boy. Spoiler alert! It was all a dream. Toad of course is the best character. And you need to be able to get lives from the Slot Machine. And what was the point of cherries? Mario 3 was the most successful Nintendo game in history. I still play it all of the time and can beat every single level. My favourite level is where you can wear that sock thing and jump around. And I love the hammer brother suit where you throw hammers. Of course everyone fights over those mushroom huts or card games If I beat this level than promise me you wouldn’t use the matching game. Hey fuck you you promised. And those head to head games are fun too. So why doesn’t the princess carry peeper spray or a taser. And where are these fucking mushroom body guards every time Bowser captures her. And me and Machado love getting stoned and playing Dr. Mario. Its like Tetris only you use different coloured pills and try to kill all of the viruses. Its fun to screw each other. In the game. We’re not gay for each other.

At the time Zelda was awesome. It was the first game I recall where you could save it.. The riddles where much easier. Like pushing a block forward The only part I was lost was when you the have to get through the maze to get to the level seven dungeon. If you remember you just go straight ahead like seven times. You could get the Master Sword almost right away. I could beat it a second time it in an afternoon. Of course when you do defeat the evil Gannon with the magic arrow you can play the second much harder game. Which I never did beat.

Zelda 2 was the first time I played a game with experience points. My two most memorable moments are when you fight your shadow or kill the giant slime thing. I beat it once, when I was younger and had quicker reflexes. Ah how youth is wasted on the young.

Mike Tyson’s Punch Out is a classic game that’s still fun today. After Tyson rapped some women, they changed it to just Punch Out with Mr. Dream. I could it make to him but never beat him. My favorite boxer is King Hippo who you punch him in the mouth and then in the stomach as he tries to pull up his pants. Wear a belt and mouth guard buddy.

Here are some runners’ up.  Dragon Warrior 3 for me was the most addictive game ever. It was one of the first Role Playing Games where you are randomly attacked by enemies when you walk around. And then you choose how to fight. RPGs are still one of my favourite kind of games. Final Fantasy is a Japanese household name.

I thought Ice Hockey was so much more fun than Blades of Steel. The best part is that you can choose between fat guys, skinny guys or average players.  And control your goalies. I hate baseball except for Base Wars where you have different robots and can fight each other and steel bases and such.

I was a huge fan Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. The first one was impossible. I think the only kid who could beat it was the autistic kid from the movie the Wizard. I love the power gun its bad ass. The second TMNTs game was the one you can play with two players. Me and my brother could beat it. I’m sure everybody fought over  who could be Michelangelo or over that pizza slice when their health is low.

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