Friday, 6 May 2011

Octum’s Razor

Octum’s Razor says that the simplest explanation is usually the correct one.

Take an elderly couple that bicker a lot. Gramps is losing his hearing. The simplest explanation is he’s old and his inner ear is simply deteriorating. And maybe because he jerks off to Golden Girls with the subwoofer really loud. Another is that his wife is the queen of harpies and he is losing his hearing because he can’t psychologically take it anymore. And another theory is that he took the Lord’s name in vain and God is punishing him. What option would you choose?

My mom was watching an Egypt show on television and how they could have built the pyramid and other feats. Octum’s Razor would say they something like it took a lot of slaves and a lot time. They were much smarter than people have taken them for. So they would have used pullies, wheels, ropes and such. The show however believes that they couldn’t have done it without outside help. Yes aliens, that makes much more sense. And my mom isn’t sure what to believe. And I feel like I'm taking crazy pills. Kind of like in high school when we had a hypnotist and I was the only one who thought it was complete shit. (I might make a blog about that).

Again I use the Raz all of the time when I’m discussing religion. How did the Universe begin? Scientist (or most) believe in the Big Bang theory. Ha what a good show, I love Sheldon. Sure they still don’t know all of the details but there is much evidence proving it so. Or theologians believe that the Big Bang is silly and solves nothing. Therefore there must a God that created the Universe. And it took a week.. Hmm… than who created God? So now you have way more explaining and questions unanswered. Which explanation do you believe? Of course I think that religion is complete bullshit. Buy the book Blind Faith, it comes out 2013.

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