Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Politically Incorrect Guess Who

As you all know Guess Who is the great American game where you have like 30 faces to choose from and you have to find their opponents person by asking question about them. Like does he have a handle bar mustache? Of course the first question should be if he is a guy.

I wonder how fun guess who would be in those Middle Eastern countries where they force their women to wear burqa (I don’t know how to spell it) and all you can see are their eyes.  Obviously every player would choose a chick. Hmm does she have brown eyes? Hmm does she hate infidels?

Whose gay idea was it to force women in certain Middle Eastern countries to wear a burqa? Were the guys getting too many boners in public? So I guess they decided to cover women head to toe so you can only see their eyes. So who knows if they’re hot or a dessert hag.  Let me take off your mask veil thingy and ewe. Again. Their women definitely have a vitamin D deficiency. What would their playboy bunnies look like? I see an ear! And I came. Do they have cross dressers? And at what age do they cover their females, two, three? I rather force the of aged women to wear only thongs and sandals.  That would be awesome.

I would love to create Politically Incorrect Guess Who for adults.. I would make it incredible racists, sexists, prejudice, homo… you got the idea.  I also think Celebrity Guess who would fun as well

Some questions would be:

 Does he have an afro?
Okay he’s black

Is she hot?
Well it can’t be Fergie.

Does he have frost tips.
Okay he must be gay.

Is she incredibly fat?
Okay it’s got to be Rosie O’Donnell

Is he Chinese?
Okay I have narrowed it down to six Chinese guys, but they all look the same.
 I’m joking.

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