Sunday 16 September 2012

Top Five Computer Games

There are games I like to play on my computer and there are games I like to play on my videogame systems. I love playing strategy and MMORPG games on my laptop while I play all other type of games on my Wii or Xbox 360 or Sega Saturn. I would never play a first person shooter on my laptop and I would never play Star Craft on my Xbox 360. So here are my top five favorite computer games.

5. Diablo 2

I bought Diablo 2 with my mom. “Greg, is this some Devil game?” The best part of Diablo 2 is that you can play along with other people. It’s much funner this way and besides it’s almost impossible to take on Diablo alone. I love the necromancer because you can raise skeletons and summon creatures to do your fighting for you. However there are a few things I don’t like. There is a cap on money and you lose money when you die. And your chest can hardly fit any weapons or items. The worst part is that when you die you have to retrieve your corpse. Every time I get killed by a boss I keep getting killed over and over again trying to retrieve my damn items. When this happens my heart goes racing and I almost have a heart attack. Damn you Satan! Damn you to Hell!

4. Starcraft

I love real time strategy computer games. Command and Conquer was the first one I ever played. Red Alert was my favorite for a while until Starcraft came along. When I play I concentrate on producing the most harvesters quickly to make the most money and I keep expanding my base. You have to play with friends for sure. When you play strangers over the net, there are stupid maps where there are just heaps of resources and people rush. I hate rushing because it’s not fun at all and is stressful. I like to build up my base and armies. And then people quit in the middle of a game for no reason. Sometimes I would team up with Stics but he would always betray me and ruin my record. I’m getting a desktop for Christmas and then I can play Starcraft 2 and the latest Heroes of Might and Magic.

3. Ages of Empire 2

Ages of Empire 2 is my favorite of the Empire series. My whole hallway at college played it all of the time. It’s a real time strategy game like Starcraft and Command and Conquer, only its set in medieval times. You have different empires to choose from and you advance through time periods. Thus Ages of Empire. Of course you build um buildings such as farms and training camps. It’s like rock scissors and paper with units. Certain units are stronger or weaker against other units. I wish I had an empire. It would be the Empire of Gregera and everyone would be my slaves. Kneel before your master!

2. World of Warcraft

The World of Warcraft is addictive and it consumes you. The game overshadows anything else. Such as a normal life and things normal people do outside of the World of Warcraft. When I play I sometimes I get into it way too much and forget about things. Like food. The funny thing is that I love food. Hmm Big Macs. When you are a reverse retiree like me you can play all day, every day. There is really no point except to grow stronger and get better items. Because when I made it to level 70 I thought what do I do now? I guess I have to get the latest expansion pack and grow more powerful. Fear me, for I am Deathera!

1. Heroes of Might and Magic 3

I love the Heroes of Might and Magic series. I own all but the newest one.  Heroes 3 is my favorite out of all of them. This game is addictive as Hell. I’ll try my best to describe it. It’s a fantasy turn based strategy game. You build different kingdoms where you can recruit units. You control heroes that command these units and fight other heroes, other creatures and other kingdoms. And you gather resources, learn spells and collect artifacts. Heroes has unlimited replay value. A large map could easily take you six or more hours. Then you can play a different map or play with a different kingdom. It’s hard to find, but trust me you’ll love it. So go out and buy it. Maybe from EBay.

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