Sunday 8 July 2012



I have been to a number of concerts but Bayfest takes the cheese. If you don’t already know, my awesome city Sarnia holds a huge concert every mid July.  It normally spans two weekends. One weekend for rock, and one weekend for country.

I never realized how many people like country. I never liked country or jazz expect for the odd song such as the Lady Antebellum song I Need You Now. Country just bothers me and I thought only red necks listened to it. And I find Jazz just random noises.

But I love my rock. There were a number of huge bands coming to Bayfest. Like I can’t believe Kiss was playing in my hometown Sarnia. Some of my favorites were the Hip, Weezer, Rush, Our Lady of Peace, Areosmith and Stone Temple Pilots. This year Offspring, Iron Maiden and Alice Cooper are headlining along with some other popular bands. If I could see any bands live, that would have to be ACDC, Pearl Jam or Rage Against Machine.

Here are some personal stories of mine about Bayfest. Matthew Goodband is one of my all time favorite bands. They are Canadian and if you never heard them than go out and buy Underdogs or download some of their hits.

However I never had the chance to go see them because I’m an idiot. The sang nice guys finish last is my life. My boss wanted me to work in hardware that day because douche said he was sick. I said yes and immediately regretted my decision. My ticket was worth more than what I would earn. So I thought fuck it, I’m going to have a couple of beers because I knew nobody would be in the store during Bayfest. I was wrong, there were like five people.

It rained during Motley Crue but that didn’t stop them. It was lightning and nobody would cancel the concert. Every time lighting struck the whole audience would cheer. And I saw Counting Crows and wow was I disappointed. The lead singer was drunk and was rambling on about nonsense and not actually singing any of their hits. I rather they lip sing or something. Good thing I was drunk too.

The problem about drinking is that it’s like five bucks for a small cup. You wait in line for an hour and when you do get your drinks you spill most of it trying to get out of the damn tent. So beer was five dollars but you can get five beers for $25. Wow what a deal. And how exactly will you carry five beers anyway. One year this fat drunk chick gave us like ten tickets for like five bucks. I guess she was already drunk and wanted a hotdog.

So whenever I go to a concert I drink beforehand and end up getting stoned at the concert. I mean I rather be high and fully appreciate the music instead of being drunk and miss it. Here’s how to sneak in a joint. Wear a baseball hat and hide one or two joints in the inside rim. They won’t check your hat but bring cigarettes and a lighter just in case. Once inside go into the middle of the crowd and smoke away. They won’t do anything about it.

But I kept getting old people asking me to sell them some weed because I reeked of it. Hey I’m not a petty drug dealer. So this lady told me she wasn’t a cop and I thought fine I will give you a joint for fifteen bucks. A fair deal I might say.

Every year I get lost. I don’t like being in large crowds where you people bump into constantly trying to get through. So I’m like, hmm my friends should be across the hot dog vendor and parallel to the tree. My friends being assholes will see me and laugh.

Me and Stics share this type of humor. Nobody fully appreciates this story I will tell expect for us. Normally I fuck up stories big time, but with the computer I can edit it. Even though I still will probably fuck it up. So this was years ago when Stics smoked weed with me every once in a while. He doesn’t really smoke weed anymore because we are adults and not in college.

But at Bayfest we decided to get really baked. Back then you could leave and reenter as long as you have a stamp. So we decide to leave and smoke another joint. Then I’m looking for my ticket and checking all of my pockets. I panic and I’m like fuck what am I going to do? Stics sees a ticket stub and says try this. We get there and Stics gets in and I try to rush through right after him. And here is one of the classic lines ever, “wait one second” and then he checks my stamp and lets me in. We were laughing like crazy but even as you read this you probably don’t appreciate it.

What an awesome time. But there was more. We were driving down the road where people were walking home or wherever and I dared myself to pick up one of the hitchhikers. I was like should I pick her up? And Stics was like no don’t. And I’m like I going to do it. So I stop at this one fat drunk bitch and we get talking. She thanked us for the ride and said she lived on the reserve. So we drive halfway there and I let her out in the middle of fucking nowhere. We laughed like crazy and I always wondered what happened to her.

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